It’s Time to SMILE

Foster ICT is excited to partner with Santucci Orthodontics here in Wichita to bless a foster/adopted child and family with a fully paid orthodontics procedure!

For children in state care, we recognize that there are some things insurance doesn’t cover; orthodontic work being one of those. Yet for children who are in the midst of many life changes and overcoming various challenges, many children become self-conscience. For a child in need of orthodontic work this self-consciousness is only amplified.

Free (fully covered) orthodontic work is one small way we can give a child the confidence to smile and show the many gifts and talents God has given them.

From consultation, to braces, to a beautiful smile. Santucci Orthodontics & Foster ICT want to bless a child in our community.


Nominate your child today by submitting the application below.